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6 nefarious SEO tricks [SEO]

The nefarious tricks SEO - Is it through the eyes of google engineers?
Almost all businesses, large and small, new old has a common denominator. The common denominator is that they are looking for customers, partners and prospects to increase leading position and brand enhancement with an ultimate aim is to create new business opportunities.
One of the most effective ways to accomplish this is to optimize the search engines (SEO). There are many SEO methods can effectively optimize your business website, but besides that there are also some nefarious tricks not only ruin a company's reputation and cause your website to be banned but Gooble also caused a series of problems related to the law.
There is an ongoing debate among experts about what SEO is considered "white hat" SEO and "black hat". In my opinion, the biggest difference is SEO "white hat" search engine helps users bring results on the quality of instruction available. On the other hand, SEO "black hat" involves taking advantage of limitations in the available set of rules under certain sequence search tool.
Experts often disagree about what SEO methods are considered "white hat" SEO and "black hat". In my opinion, the call of this method is what is not important, the important thing here is that some of these tricks are bad ideas and so most marketers should avoid using them.
The reason is changing, but there is a general pattern that is: avoid the SEO tricks to fool search engines and distort the results. This is my personal experience: if a job is done "manually reviewed" discovery procedure available, it is probably a very bad wizard.
It would be safe to admit that if you try to take advantage of vulnerabilities in today's algorithms, the advantage will only be temporary. More importantly, you can face high risks when your site penalized or banned.

6 SEO tricks that manufacturers should avoid:

1. Link farms

Everyone consistency that one of the most powerful influence on the search engine rankings is the number and quality of links that link to a web page. Link farm is a group of websites created with the aim of raising the number of links to a website is available. These links are "false" (to signal quality websites that link) and so they distort search engine results.

2. Automated Content Generation / Duplication

content_duplicationCac search engines love content. We especially liked the content is updated regularly. Unfortunately, creating such unique content will take a lot of time and effort. When trying to create a network of search engines in order to establish more sites from a website, and this will often cause some pages to test the content is generated automatically by the Content other websites to post again.
This procedure is usually accompanied by link farms (because if you generate thousands of sites, you will need to content posted on the site so that search engines will bring them to the list of links)
Google is very good at determining the contents of "natural" and what is valuable content are computer generated. As for arbitrarily copied content from other sites is illegal to copy, and this is considered unethical.

3. Keyword Stuffing

This procedure is related to the portion of the site repeatedly a certain keyword to influence search engine results. Many years ago the search engines have disabled this trick, but for some reason this procedure is still being widely used.

4. Cloaking

The procedure to transfer content to a network of other Web search engine to the user instead. Conventional engine for this procedure is to transfer content to the search engines to rank above a certain limit instead of sending other content for real users.
Search engines discovered this quite easily. If you are suspected of using cloaking tricks, it's easy to someone (such as a Google employee, for example) to visit your site and check whether or not you are cloaking. When detected, the procedure is one of the most reliable measures to prohibit activities website.

5. Hidden Text

This trick to hide text on web pages for search engines which will enter into the list (for the purpose of increasing rank), the visitor will not see. The simplest example is the transformation of white text on a white background.
This procedure is based on a few simple things like tags in HTML, JavaScript or CSS styles to change the web page. Regardless of sophisticated tricks to where it is still found in a few small details.

6. Doorway / Gateway Pages

This procedure is similar to cloaking tricks. Instead of transferring the content to other spiders, another page to find out for certain 1 page rank better in the search engines, but then send the user to another page. Obviously this is not a pleasure for the users when they can not find the content they need.
It's a mistake to try to beat the Google engineers.
Almost all of the tricks that search engines will be unable to detect.
They are based on taking advantage of the current limitations of the algorithm for search engines. Any strategy based on the Internet will surpass Google is not a smart strategy.
Because for most marketers, instead of spending time on the effort they will procedure on investment in 2 things:

• Improve the website to be ranked high because the content and value differences.
• To assist the search engines discover content for the benefit of users. Cooperation with search engines instead of trying to take advantage of them is the only way to help your website function effectively in the future



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